Sunday, December 30, 2012

New Year's Resolutions

Tomorrow is the last day of the year.  The last day to fulfill those resolutions we all made on January 1.  And the day to resolve we will REALLY fulfill our resolutions for next year.

So, what were yours?  Did you forget them on January 2?  Do you have new ones?

I made no resolutions last year.  I knew I already had too much to worry about….getting married, moving, figuring out what to do with my condo that I owe too much on to sell in these economic times, and helping my vehemently-hate-changes son to accept all these changes!

This year, I want to relax more.  Unfortunately, I have no idea how to accomplish this.  I work full+ time.  I’m a mom to a kid who plays sports, which means many hours at sports practices and games.  I’m involved with his school.  I am very picky about what we eat and cook most things from scratch.  I found myself getting all stressed out yesterday, a Saturday on which I had nothing I HAD to do, worrying about what I needed to do on Wednesday!  I have boxes I still need to unpack from moving in March, bathrooms that need to be cleaned, laundry that needs to be done.  I went into my son’s room today to gather all his PSP games and box them up (he got a new PSVita for Christmas, and trade in cost on the games is a joke!) to give to one of his friends and discovered a room that has been “cleaned” by shoving everything into random drawers and the closet, yet another chore for my list, albeit one that WILL get help from the room’s occupant.  I seriously only sleep about 5 hours a night, except for those rare days about once a month where I will sleep till people wake me up to feed them.  When am I supposed to have time to relax?

I know, I know, I need to make the time.  I just wish I had the ability to MAKE time, you know, add extra hours to the day! 

I think I’m just going to have to set a time.  9:00 PM, OK, STOP!  But the laundry might not be dry, and the dirty dishes might still be in the sink….  ACCKKK, I’ll just not be able to sleep worrying about that!

Hopefully I’ll find a way to do this, I need it!  And that’s really why they have wine!


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