Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Confessions of a Procrastinator

I have not always been like this.  I usually have every single Christmas gift bought before Thanksgiving, the tree and decorations up the day after it, and would now be sitting relaxing, watching Rudolph or Santa Claus is Coming to Town, or whatever the special of the day is.

My big accomplishment so far this year….two little ceramic angels are sitting on the mantle.  Angels I bought a few weeks ago, set on the kitchen table, and finally took out of their packages a few days ago. 

I don’t have anywhere to put my Christmas decorations or tree.  I got married and moved into my husband’s house 9 months ago.  I still have unpacked boxes everywhere. I haven’t been able to set up my desk because I can’t get to it.  The junk in the garage is multiplying, because when I can’t find something, I go buy another (we have enough school supplies now to last through 2020). My dining room table is covered in a huge photo framing project I started and haven’t finished, because whenever I work on it I feel guilty for not unpacking.  I don’t even want to think about how many gifts I still need to get.  And I probably won’t be able to find the ones I already have.

So, a week and a half ago I decided to tackle the office.  If I can get that cleaned up, I can put my desktop computer on my desk instead of a dining room chair,  and when I work (yes, I work from home and can’t get to my desk) I will no longer have to stand at the kitchen counter with my laptop.  And then I can set aside the photo project in a box, in the office, until I can get to it.  I’ll be able to unpack some boxes and put things where they go so I can find them.

I finally cleared a path to my desk this evening.  I moved the computer from the dining room chair to the desk, and realized I didn’t have my power strip.  I had put it in my son’s room for his mini Christmas tree because I couldn’t find (!) any of my extension cords.  So off to the abyss of the garage I went, there had to be an extension cord out there somewhere.

Oooh, look, there is the wreath!  I need to go hang that.  Hmmm, where is the rest of the Christmas stuff?  Let’s look through this box, and behind this cabinet, and in this closet….And why was I in the garage again?  Oh, yeah, extension cord.

I finally found the cord, attached it to Aiden’s tree and took the power strip in the office and finished setting up the computer.  I was making headway!  Then I saw an article on Facebook I had to read.  And pack lunches for tomorrow.  And crap, I still need to fold the laundry in the dryer, the laundry that has been dry for 2 days!

So, now there are 2 angels on the mantle and a wreath on the door.  Perhaps I’ll have the tree up for Christmas in July.

And that’s why they have wine!

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