Monday, December 3, 2012

Are you sure you're not A.D.D?

My son asked me today, “Are you sure you don’t have A.D.D too?”

“No, I don’t have A.D.D., why do you ask?”

“You start to do something and then do something else.  You don’t always hear everything I say.  You would forget to pick me up at school if you didn’t set your phone.”

Hmmm.  He’s right.  It is kind of making me wonder.

I got good grades in school, but it wasn’t because I brought home my homework.  My mom used to ask me “Are you sure you have textbooks?”  I find myself asking my son the same thing.

I have about a million different interests.  I’ll get all involved in something….then suddenly switch to something else.  Just like my son.  I don’t know how much money I spent on scrapbooking items that are still sitting there in a basket, 10 years later.  Or books I haven’t read. Books I haven’t written. Clothes I forgot I bought.  Plans I haven’t followed through on.  All the while, overdedicating myself to a bunch of other activities, and then wonder why I’m always tired!

I’m not sure I can even remember how many majors I went through in college.  Engineering, Mass Communications, Art, Physical Education…finally ending with a double major in Psychology and Sociology.  And I work in Software Development in Quality Assurance.   After jobs as a mental health case manager, receptionist, A/P and Payroll Clerk, Construction Estimator’s assistant, Construction Project Manager/Office Manager, and Software support.  I’m not even quite 45!

 I very often forget conversations.  My son and I get in disagreements constantly about what each other said.  Sometimes I know it is him who forgot, sometimes I’m not sure.  Sometimes I’m not sure if someone told me something or I dreamed it.  And my son is correct, I would forget to pick him up if my phone did not alert me.  When I do get involved in something I like, I lose track of time.  I like my job, I like the problem solving and figuring out how to resolve it.  I like planning.  And so I get lost and need that alert.

I also need alerts to take my vitamins, pick up milk, go to the bank, mail my bills.  For me, smartphones are the greatest invention ever, mine makes sure I don’t forget anything.  When I remember to put the task on the calendar in the first place.

Perhaps I just really like a lot of things, and my mind is going with age.  But he is really making me think.

And that’s why they have wine.


  1. Can't be the age thing.. you've always been that way. He just happened to point it out to you. ;) I have a "Get Sophie!" alarm entry.

  2. Can't be the age thing.. you've always been that way. He just happened to point it out to you. ;) I have a "Get Sophie!" alarm entry.
