Sunday, January 20, 2013

Just Listen To Your Body!

Analytical thinking is a good thing.  But maybe we give it to much credence.

Maybe sometimes we should just listen to our quirks.

I can’t stand to drink water out of a plastic or Styrofoam cup.   I can TASTE the plastic, and I don’t like it.  I drink everything from a glass.  I’ve always been that way.  Fast forward many, many years, and we find that the BPA’s in plastic are cancer-causing.  Perhaps my body was just telling me that all along.

My son, he doesn’t like pasta.  Really doesn’t like bread either, except sourdough or gluten-free.  Any cereal he likes, rice or oat based.  He’s allergic to wheat.  We were told by his pediatrician when that was discovered (at age 3) that it was a mild allergy and not to avoid it because he’d outgrow it if he was exposed.  I followed those directions. He still didn’t like it, and in the past 6 months or so since we’ve gone gluten-limited (we still order a pizza now or then), the mysterious digestive problems he’s had all his life have disappeared.  Again, perhaps it’s his body telling him that he shouldn’t be eating that.

In the past several months, Aiden has become sensitive to artificial coloring.  His mouth becomes tingly and, without Benadryl, his lips swell to a scary size.  Well, artificial food colors are petroleum based.  Something we really probably don’t want to be eating anyways.

Aiden has an appointment on Tuesday for further allergy testing.  His pediatrician is the allergist specialist of the rather large group of doctors in the office.  However, I have a feeling I’m going to be the “crazy mom” for finding that it’s food additives causing problems for Aiden.  I hope not, but I’m going against mainstream analytical thinking.  Coming from a family with multiple food allergies (myself included!), however, I know about elimination diets, and, well, I do believe we found the culprit.  I just want testing to make sure there are not others.  And if the wheat allergy is still present (I am 99% sure it is!), well, we will be 100% gluten and wheat-free.

Sometimes we just need to listen to our bodies.  That large intestine may sometimes know more than the brain.  Just because it is allowed in our food, doesn’t make it good.  We need to read labels, know what GMO’s are, know the effects of those ingredients we can’t pronounce, and it the end, hopefully refuse to eat them!

I know it’s a lot to take in.  But that’s why they have wine.

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