Thursday, November 22, 2012

At Least the Moths Had a Feast

Had a little trouble sleeping last night due to some back problems, so took advantage of the fact that I did not have to cook Thanksgiving dinner today and slept  in a bit.  When I got up, went to the kitchen to fix cereal for my son and me. Fixed Aiden's bowl of Cheerios, then pulled out my granola.  On the top of the box there was a white, worm-like thing crawling.  Held back my yelp, and opened the box.  More worms.  Looked up at the ceiling of the pantry.  How I mananged not to scream loud enough for the entire neighborhood is beyond me...perhaps I was in shock.

As my husband was in the office reading Yahoo, and my son was in his room playing Angry Birds, I calmly started going through the pantry, tossing out about everything.  Flour, rice, pasta, crackers.  Things that had never been opened.  Reusable grocery bags.  The boxes that the soda and water come in.  Moths and their larvae had invaded everything.  We are pretty much left with a bottle of cranberry juice, a couple of cans of tomato paste, and Townhouse crackers.  Yes, the Townhouse crackers were untouched, while their organic counterparts were invaded.  Even bugs know which food is better for you.

There were signs.  A few moths flying here and there.  A few weeks ago I discovered a Tupperware-like container of pistachios had been invaded by bugs and had thrown them out, container and all.  I thought that was the extent of the problem.

Unfortunately, they are sneaky little things.  After emptying the pantry, I calmly went to the office and asked my husband if he could please come help me.  He said "Sure," not knowing what horrors I was bringing him into.  I had no idea what to do about the larvae on the ceiling.  Fortunately I married an inventive spouse, he went and got the vacuum cleaner and sucked those disgusting things right up.

We left to go have our Thanksgiving dinner with family.  After coming back home, and taking my turkey-induced nap, I went to the kitchen to wipe down the pantry. 

There were more larvae on the ceiling!  And that's why they have wine.  LOTS and lots of it!

1 comment:

  1. Ewwww..... how horrifying. And this is why they have housekeepers and personal chefs....while you sip wine, giving direction! Glad you were able to sort it out!
