Saturday, November 25, 2017

It's Really Not Funny

It’s really not funny.

The talk about women being able to get promoted if they “get on their knees.”  Discussing being able to grab their private parts if you are famous.  Catcalling from amongst a group of other men at a lone woman in an attempt to make her feel uncomfortable and give you a laugh.  Jokes about women being there to make you a “sammich” (as if that “word” alone isn’t already vomit-inducing).

Immature, a tell-tale sign of your lack of confidence in your masculinity (or perhaps in your self as a whole), even a bonding ritual with others with the same underdeveloped psyche, but not funny.
Calling it “locker room talk,” it doesn’t make it better. Because there are a bunch of you that can only get camaraderie by putting down women just means there a bunch of you that have never progressed past a certain developmental level.
I know, I know, I can already hear the insults aimed my way in your head.  Go ahead, say them aloud.  I’m sure it will make me look at you in a much better light.

I’m a very intelligent woman.  I have high standards. I am not afraid to share my opinions or to stand up for what I believe to be right. I really don’t have a need for people who can’t treat women respectfully, 100 percent of the time.  I’m not going to apologize for that. I’m also not going to raise a son who thinks that what is termed “locker room talk” is ok, that it is just what it’s like to be a male, and I’ve done a pretty darn good job so far.  I have a 16 year old whose respect for all people, male or female, is something I am very proud of him for.

The more women have been coming out about abuse and harassment they have endured, the more disrespect I’ve been seeing from many men towards women, particularly in their words and their jokes, or my particular recent favorite, being told to just be quiet when I have an opinion.  I guess that is to be expected, there will always be a fight when the customary order of things gets interrupted.
We weren’t supposed to fight back, but we are. Things are changing.  Thank goodness, it is about time. 

That's why they have wine. 

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