Friday, December 20, 2013

Free To Be You And Me

I don’t watch Duck Dynasty, though I have heard other’s talk about it.  Just not something I ever ran across and got addicted to between all my Lifetime shows and movies that take up my free time.

The controversy surrounding it now surprises me.  And kind of scares me.  Does one man on a reality show hold that much power over any of our lives, whether you disagree with him or don’t?  Apparantly he does, and that makes me worry about the future of our nation, a nation I’m beginning (well, maybe I’ve thought this before) to suspect is made up of a bunch of weak-minded ninnies.

Does everyone have to agree with you?  Yes, you.  And you.  And you and you and you.  Do they?  What happens to you if they don’t?  Is your life any different today because of a GQ article? 

If this man who makes duck calls is what is encompassing your life right now because you are focused on defending and supporting him, perhaps you might want to look at that Bible passage he quoted.  Don’t make him your idol.

If you are offended because he thinks you are a sinner, why the h-e-double hockey sticks do you care what he thinks? Not to mention that I’m sure he’d tell you himself HE is a sinner, as a core belief of Christianity is that EVERYONE is.

The man is a citizen of the United States, and as such is free to speak his opinions and hold his beliefs.  A&E is free, as a private employer, to “put him on hiatus” if they feel he is not representing their company.

Case closed.  There are more important things in life to worry about.  Like the huge number of people in this country that have no clue how great it is to have the freedoms we have to be exactly who we are, despite what anyone else thinks about it.  If you like yourself and are proud of your life, that is all that matters.

Now on to some more important issues, like finding that Christmas gift my son at the last minute said he hopes Santa is bringing, and I can’t find anyplace that has it in stock. 

That’s why they have wine.

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