Sunday, July 14, 2013


I am disgusted.  Thoroughly disgusted.

Posts on Facebook regarding the Trayvon Martin trial scare me.

Yeah, I get that there had to be “beyond a reasonable doubt” evidence to convict someone.  So do most Americans.  We’re not stupid.  That doesn’t mean we should be jumping for joy at the verdict.  Some of us are actually smart enough to think outside the box.  Some of those people are black, and it doesn’t mean they are pulling the race card because of it.  Although, I do have to admit, the comments I’ve read tonight have made me much more realize the need for that card.

A grown man gave into his need to be macho, and against police advice, confronted a teenager.  A teenager that was NOT committing a crime.  A teenager that was armed with a bag of Skittles, “just the plain ones” as my 11 year old pointed out.  A fact that most people have chosen to purposely ignore.

And, well, that’s it.  I don’t see how people can overlook that.  Of course I guess I’m ignorant, because I also don’t see how people can think their feelings on gun control are more important than someone’s life.  Or how that it’s OK that they smoke pot, but not that the victim did.  Or, well, I have a lot of trouble seeing how some people think they are perfect and therefore can judge whose lives are worth living.

I CAN see how upset the Martin family must be.  And I pray for their peace.  I truly hope they can somehow get some closure.

And that’s why they have wine.

1 comment:

  1. Yup...I totally agree. An unarmed young man was killed by an angry spanish guy...on a mission to make someone pay for robberies in his neighborhood. Its a damn shame. I hope they go back to court or karma gets him.
