Sunday, April 14, 2013

No Child Left Behind

No Child Left Behind.

What does that mean to you?  I bet it means something way different to you than to the people who make the laws for the school system.

To me, it means that everything possible will be done to help every child learn.

To the schools, because of the current legislation, it means “We will teach your child what is on the FCAT, and teach them test-taking strategies, so we look good.” 

No Child Left Behind might as well be called “The Biggest Bullshit Ever Told To Parents.”  Trust me.  I have the child “left behind.” 

In Kindergarten, the teacher called me in to say that he seemed to have some physical developmental problems.  I agreed, and she said she would submit him to be evaluated.  Two weeks later, was told he didn’t meet the qualifications too.  6 years later, my 11 year old has been determined to have the fine motor skills of a 5 year old (thus his problems cutting and coloring in kindergarten, not to mention his current illegible writing!)…but he didn’t meet qualifications? 

Every year since, it’s been clockwork.  In March, I’m told he might fail.  Ok, then if he needs to fail, fail him.  And give him the services he needs. Every year he is pushed through, and just treated like any other student.  Several different times I’ve re-requested evaluation.  Several different times I’ve been denied.

Last year, he finally had a teacher who was behind me, who encouraged me to get him evaluated privately and helped me by filling out papers for the doctors.  From those private evaluations, which I had to pay for myself and the school should have done years ago, I had the ammunition in the way of a medical diagnosis to fight for a 504 plan, which he got.  However, he was doing even worse in school, so I once again requested evaluation. He needs an IEP.  And was put off.  Again. 

I got the letter on Thursday that he was going to be retained in 6th grade.  The day before his last day of after-school tutoring.  The last day of after-school tutoring because FCAT’s start Monday.  The last day of tutoring because all that matters to the school is FCAT scores.  To me, I see it as the last day of tutoring because no one actually cares about the students, just their scores.

No Child Left Behind.


If I had to do it all over again, I’d have purposely been a bad parent.  One that let my child misbehave and cause problems in school.  Because those are the kids that seem to get the attention.  If you are good and not a problem to anyone, you are left to the back of the line.  At the end.  In the rear.  BEHIND.

And that’s why they have wine!

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