Tuesday, September 30, 2014

THIS Is Why They Have Wine!

My day started like a character in the remake of Groundhog Day.  Bright and early at 7:30 am I turned on my computer and logged into work, to start the day exactly as I did yesterday.  There are only so many times you can test the same issues, over, and over, and over, before you go crazy.  After all, they say the definition of insanity is repeating the same thing and expecting a different result.  Hmmm, I just realized I get paid to do that.  So that is why they have me work at home, so no one can hear my screams!

Then, about 9, I left for my physical therapy appointment.  Physical therapy that I do twice a week to try to alleviate the pain from a herniated disk in my back that impinges a nerve and causes not only pain but numbness, pain, and weakness in my right arm and hand.  Physical therapy I go to at a place that is specifically for orthopedic problems, houses doctor’s offices, testing facilities, labs, a surgery center, and of course therapy.  A place where many of the patients are on crutches or in wheelchairs and some too injured to have a hard time just making it through their day.  A place where it took me 20 minutes of driving around the parking lot, over, and over, and over (well, this seems to be my theme) to even get a parking spot, and I made it to my appointment with one minute to spare.

So we’ve gotten to 9:30 am.  People shouldn’t even have to be out of bed that early.

Once in therapy, because I was actually feeling pretty good, they added some weight work to my routine.  And now, well, I no longer feel so good.

After a bit more of my Groundhog Day of work, I went to do school pick up carpool.  In a monsoon.  I literally could not see what was 5 feet in front of me and was saying the same prayer, yes, over and over and over again, that my poor little Mustang would not hit a puddle more than 6 inches high because I did not want it to die, nor did I want to.  It didn’t, and I may have been stressed enough to have caused some of the tight neck muscles I now have, but I’m alive.  This was my day’s highlight.

I finished work and went to empty the litter boxes of our two cats.  I discovered that my son’s cat, whose litter box is in his bedroom, had, well, some stomach issues today and didn’t quite completely make it to the box.  As I was taking the box and the mat outside to wash it, I told my son to get the vacuum and clean up the litter that was on the floor.

“Can you get the vacuum for me?”

What?!  Child, if I have to get the vacuum for you at this moment, I just might smack you upside the head with it.  Teenagers just don’t have any clue when it’s the wrong time to express their teenage attitude, do they?

In the midst of all this, I was making dinner.  I decided to get fancy today and use diced tomatoes in the meatloaf instead of ketchup.  This was not the best idea, and one I’m NOT going to repeat over and over.  Soupy meatloaf isn’t exactly the goal I was striving for.

And this, my friends, this, this is the real reason they have wine.

And very large helpings of mashed potatoes.


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