Saturday, November 30, 2013

Things I Have Learned in My Life

Was reading a list today of things someone wished they knew when they were 18, and it made me think….what exactly have I learned in my 46-in-two-weeks years of life.  So here is my list.

1.       Your feelings matter.  Always.  If someone tells you they don’t, you do not need that person.

2.       There are a lot of things in life we have no control over.  Stressing about them won’t help.

3.       Wine can’t solve everything, but it sure helps sometimes.

4.       There is no such thing as too much sleep.

5.       Having a child can change your feelings on almost everything.

6.       Learning should never stop.

7.      No matter how much you think you’ll never be able to make it through a problem, you are still here.

8.      You are so much more than your bra size.  And again, if someone thinks you’re not, you do not need that person.

9.       Disney World is truly a magical place.  Especially Epcot, where there is wine (see #3).

10.  You have to let everyone else be who they are.  You can choose whether or not to have them in your life, but you can’t choose to make them fit your life, they do or they don’t .

11.   You never know how something will turn out until you try it.

12.   Driving 5 miles to get gasoline for 2 cents less a gallon really isn’t worth it.

13.   You are never too old to be confused by 5th grade math homework.

14.   No one can truly know you if you don’t let them in.

15.   Sometimes you have to ask for help.

16.   There will always be someone that tries to make your life more difficult.

17.  Always check your child’s pockets before doing the laundry.  And your husband’s.  They both carry around strange things that can give your clothing a whole new look.

18.  When you check pockets before doing laundry, you are bound to find some money, even if it’s a few spare pennies.

19.   We are not all the same, that is the reason for the word “compromise.”

20.   Chicken and Waffle potato chips are nasty.  They just are.

21.   Everyone has at least one good quality.

22.   You would be surprised at what some people really think of you.  And most often, it’s a pleasant surprise.

23.   Yoga pants are a gift from God.

24.   You WILL do something you swore you never would.

25.   Love isn’t really about you.  True love is an unselfish emotion.

26.   You CAN do it.  Thinking you can’t is your biggest obstacle.

27.   The Serenity Prayer is one of the wisest things ever written.

28.   There is nothing more freeing than forgiveness.

29.   You can meet some of your greatest friends on the internet.

30.   There is just something special about being at the beach.

31.  While it can sometimes drive you crazy, a pet that never wants to leave your side is a blessing.

32.   We can’t really appreciate the good without knowing the bad.

33.   Money really can’t buy happiness, but the pursuit of money can cause misery.

34.   The small things in life are what you will remember the most fondly.

35.   Sometimes the things we fight against the most are exactly what we need.

36.   Soaking in the bath reading a gossip magazine and drinking a glass of wine can be a truly awesome night.

37.   God will send you messages in some of the strangest, unexpected ways.

38.   Everyone is afraid of change, but the world would not have come this far without it.

39.   It’s OK to watch children’s shows without any children present.

40.  When you reach menopause, you no longer have control of anything about your body.  You will get pimples in your wrinkles and the weight in your rear will mysteriously move to your belly in your sleep.

41.   You ARE the only person who knows how to put the toilet paper on the spindle.

42.   Time goes by so much faster the older you get, so enjoy every moment of it.

43.  If your life is focused on what you can do for others rather on what they can do for you, you will be so much happier.

44.  No one, absolutely no one, is more important than someone else.  That also means no one is less important, something that is often forgot.

45.   Jealousy is an extremely destructive emotion.

46.  Most people are too busy with their own problems to be out to get you.  You have to stop blaming them for your own problems.

47.   Our biggest joys in life are often unexpected.

48.   Our biggest problems in life are often self-made.

49.   Fuzzy character slippers are something everyone should have.

50.   Things I’ve learned in life don’t mean anything unless I implement the lessons.

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