Thursday, February 16, 2017

A Challenge for Unity

I'm on the left because I didn't vote for Trump.

I'm on the right because I didn't vote for Clinton.

I’m on the left because I think the refugees that have been brought into our country should be able to get a job.

I’m on the right because I understand the need to improve our vetting processes and delaying bringing refugees in.

I'm on the left because I think the executive order regarding the "travel ban" was overreaching.

I'm on the right because I think we do need to protect our country from terrorist attacks.

(I'm on the "wrong" side to everyone because I think that we aren't including some of the countries terrorists have actually come from).

I'm on the left because I'm OK with insurance covering birth control.

I'm on the right because I don't think it should be free.

I'm on the left because I don't believe in the death penalty.

I'm on the right because I'm pro-life.

I'm on the left because I don't think we need to spend billions of dollars to build a wall.

I'm on the right because I think we should enforce our current immigration laws, including deporting illegal immigrants.

I'm on the left because I would be OK with some exceptions/easy paths to citizenship in some circumstances.

I'm on the right because I don't think we should have sanctuary cities.

I'm on the left because I think teachers shouldn't have to buy their own supplies and I support public education.

I'm on the right because I support vouchers and charter schools for those kids who just don't do well in public school.

I'm on the left because gay marriages don't bother me.

I'm on the right because I think we need to be careful to protect laws that ensure that religious organizations or people don't have to perform those ceremonies if it is against their beliefs.

I'm on the left because I support other religions.

I'm on the right because I am Christian.

I'm on the left because I am wary of Trump.

I'm on the right because I was wary of Obama.

I'm on the left because I support people's rights to peacefully protest.

I'm on the right because I don't agree with everything everyone protests.

I'm on the left because I choose to eat organic and non-gmo whenever possible, and support labeling.

I'm on the right because I don't support the free market rather than regulations in determining what kind of food and sizes can be sold.

You get the picture.  I could go on for hours.  The thing is I KNOW WHO I AM.  I am someone who doesn't really care what a particular party supports to form my opinion.  I'm good with that.  I'm good with the fact that it causes others to think that I'm stupid, racist, a snowflake, or whatever the insult of the day is, because I know I am none of that.

What I'm not good with, the hatefulness that is prevailing in our country right now.  The hatefulness coming from the Donkeys and the Elephants and all the rest of the animals in the zoo.  There is not a reason to call other people names, not a reason to post pictures to make fun of people, not a reason to hate someone because of their opinion on a subject or who they did or didn't vote for.  This is supposed to be the UNITED States.  Can we work on UNITY again?  I find it extremely disturbing that we somehow found ourselves as a country divided in two, with both sides only trying to hurt the other, to make them mad, to get some kind of revenge on them. We are so much better than this, at least I hope we still are.

You know, if you really listen to people, really listen, you will see how much they actually have in common with you, how much they have the same values, how much they want the same things in life.  We don't all express it in the same words, or all agree on the best solution to a problem, but most of us actually do agree on what the problems are.  

Stop calling names.  Stop relegating people to "them" and "us."  Stop making us the Divided States. Start focusing on how to make things good for everyone. This is my challenge to you. 

That's why they have wine.  It's that or living in a big bubble. 

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